The Washington Pack
The Evergreen StateTake Action and Email your Legislators
Regardless of which issues you might care about, affordable housing, food insecurity, consumer protection of all stripes, foreign policy, gun rights, educational funding, and/or public infrastructure, big money in politics prevents any action. Campaign finance decisions by the Supreme Court have blocked your ability to influence Congress. As a result, many in Congress are not making decisions that benefit the broad majority of their constituents, but only their relevant donors. The only way to overturn decisions by SCOTUS is an amendment to the U. S. Constitution. Therefore, we must pursue every path that leads to an amendment that allows us to regulate our elections.
Join us now and help restore our democratic republic.
Look up your State Legislators, Washington? Who represents you in the upper and lower houses of your state? It's crucial to get to know your state legislators so that you can start a dialogue and get them to support our mission — you have a lot of power on the local level, time to start using it!
What next? Now that you know who your local state legislators are, and you've emailed the key players in the state to thank our supporters and urge others to give their backing - it's time to tell us you've completed these action items so we can track your progress.
Washington we have you listed as a volunteer, awesome! You are ready to get rolling.
Join the state discussion and introduce yourself!
Washington ForumContact the state team anytime here:
washington@wolf-pac.comFor helpful resources and quizzes that teach more about Wolf-PAC's mission, visit the learn more section.